The Carrot

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In the parable of the prodigal son, the good son showed contempt for the mercy and forgiveness his father gave his unfaithful brother. The son who squandered his inheritance, using it to engage in all manner of sin and indulgences was welcomed back with open arms upon his humble return. All the while, the faithful son looked on, judging his brother and stewing in his anger as he considered why his father would show such love and attention toward someone so rebellious. It is human nature to pass judgment on those who we think are less righteous than ourselves, and to show contempt toward those who seem to be rewarded for their bad behavior even if in our heart we know that we are susceptible to that same sin. It is difficult to comprehend the extreme mercy of our God, but it is his desire, and his nature, to show incredible kindness, tolerance and patience toward mankind because he wants his kindness, not his judgment, to lead us to repentance. Paul says this in Romans, chapter 2, verses 3 and 4: 

“So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” 

It is God’s desire to use the carrot, not to stick to lead us to repentance; to use kindness, tolerance and patience, not the punishment, rebuke and condemnation that we would expect. Though we may want to strike the guilty with a stick to correct their sinful behavior, God wants to use the carrot to kindly lead them back to himself. And when he does; when he shows love to the rebellious, we witness firsthand someone avoiding what they deserve. We see that they are not being punished for their rebellion. Even if they repent and are broken and contrite before God, to us, a lack of consequence still may seem unjust. To us, it may seem like they are being rewarded for their bad behavior. But in reality, it is a merciful and forgiving God using his kindness to lead them to repentance. So I would challenge you to honor the methodology God chooses to use to lead us back in right relationship with him. Because when we, ourselves, fall and rebel, there is no question that we would want God to use the carrot over the stick in leading us back to him as well.


Like the angry crowd who caught the woman in the act of adultery, we are so ready to throw our stones at those who sin. But God is different. Instead of a stone, Jesus gave the woman his hand. Instead of condemnation, Jesus showed mercy. If God, who is holy, all powerful and the one who created the laws and commands chooses to show mercy, shouldn’t we who are sinful, weak and who are just as guilty do the same? This portion of scripture doesn’t only show us the character of God, it is a lesson to us. God uses love over judgment to draw those who are rebellious back to him. So we should be likeminded?

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