How Important Is Doing Ministry Work?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: It is so easy for us to get caught up in the rat race of life, to focus on our own existence and our own desires, and to place all of our efforts on taking care of our families and those we love. But what about the biblical mandate of being Jesus’ hands and feet here on earth? What about the call to do unto others what we would have them do unto us, or as Paul says - to treat others as better than ourselves? In this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and will I attempt to answer the question, “How important is doing ministry work?” We’ll explore statistics examining how many believers spend time doing kingdom work, we’ll examine the benefits or repercussions of engaging or not engaging in ministry work, and we’ll take a look at what the Bible says about our mandate, or lack thereof, to engage in some form of ministry. If you’ve ever wondered how important it is for believers to engage in some form of ministry, I would encourage you to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.