Is Heaven a Real Place?

Hosts: David Evans and Justin Harter
Description: When you think of heaven, what comes to your mind? Do you think of an existence that is exciting or boring? Will we have bodies or will we be spirits? Is heaven an actual place or is it a state of mind? Many Americans, whether they are Christians or not, may have differing views of what heaven is and what it will be like. But the Bible does give us a few answers. In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Justin and I attempt to answer the question, “Is Heaven a real place?” using the Bible as our guide. We’ll try to define what “heaven” is and isn’t, we’ll explore whether we will go to heaven immediately after death or will wait to rise from the dead until after the second coming of Jesus, and we will discuss what the Bible says about heaven. If you’ve ever questioned the reality of heaven or pondered details about heaven, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.