Hardened Hearts


When I think about those of you who might be reading this, I often wonder about your walk with Christ; if everything is going as well as you’d hoped in your relationship with him. I also wonder if you are one of those who haven’t yet made the decision to follow Christ. Maybe you’re reading because you’re searching for something, or maybe you just aren’t sure what’s true or not. Whether you’re a believer or not, have been following Christ for some time or are a new believer, are experiencing problems in life or are just coming off of a spiritual high, I implore you to never harden your heart when you hear Christ calling. Psalm 95 around verses 7 and 8 it says:

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…”

The slogan to our television show, “Christian Music Videos”, is “Hear the call to Christ”. The bible tells us that God is a loving God and that he doesn’t wish that any should perish in hell. If you were ever turned off by the gospel, or met a judgmental, unkind Christian, don’t let that harden your heart. If you’ve ever senselessly lost someone close to you, or are struggling with an addiction that you didn’t create for yourself, don’t harden your heart. If life has dealt you a bad hand, or if you were born with a disability, don’t harden your heart. Today, if you hear his voice, don’t harden your heart. I challenge you to open it up. God loves you where you’re at right now. Jesus is the only answer to life’s questions, and the only path to eternal salvation. So today I pray that wherever you are, that you hear the call to Christ.


The writer of this Psalm encourages us, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts”. Wherever you’re at, whether you’re a believer or not, happy or sad, young or old, I encourage you to hear Jesus speaking to you today, and to respond to him by pouring out your heart in prayer. Don’t wait, do it right now. God is listening… are you? “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”