Our Mandate


I hope and pray that your walk with the Lord is strong, that your relationship with him is close and personal, and that the Spirit is helping you to keep the commandments and obey our Lord, because when it comes down to it, that is our mandate. Joshua chapter 22 verse 5 puts it this way:

“Be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all of your heart and with all of your soul.”

Those are the ingredients to a strong walk with our Father; to love him, obey him, hold fast to him and to serve him with everything that is within us. I encourage you to consider your walk daily. Jesus tells us to take up our cross daily and follow him. That tells me that every day we need to evaluate our walk, realign our focus, and do everything we can to remain sensitive to the Spirit. Do you ever sense, or hear, the Spirit talking to you? I believe that one way we can open the lines of communication with him is to have our minds and our focus set upon him; to do what it says in Joshua 22 which his to love, obey, hold fast, and serve him with everything that is within us.


Our mandate as believers and followers of Christ are to love God, obey him, hold fast to him and to serve him with all of our heart and soul. When I read Joshua 22:5, I understand that we are expected to put our whole selves into our walk with Christ; to do it with all of our heart and soul. That is total commitment. If you decide to follow Christ, what benefit is there if you do it half heartedly? I say that we should go all the way, all in, whole heartedly or not at all. And I know that God would agree because it says in Revelation that we are called to be hot toward him. It explains that he would rather we be cold than lukewarm. So I encourage you today, to run hard after Christ and to burn hot for him. I encourage you to pursue a walk with him that is totally committed.